all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 8AA 2 2 53.71962 -2.652232
PR5 8AB 4 0 53.718537 -2.653416
PR5 8AD 2 2 53.721913 -2.651995
PR5 8AE 9 9 53.719748 -2.648461
PR5 8AF 1 1 53.733169 -2.658509
PR5 8AH 7 6 53.72445 -2.650431
PR5 8AJ 7 6 53.723898 -2.649086
PR5 8AL 10 10 53.720229 -2.646044
PR5 8BQ 5 5 53.720885 -2.647812
PR5 8AN 12 11 53.724784 -2.643495
PR5 8AP 6 6 53.723304 -2.637377
PR5 8AQ 7 7 53.720659 -2.649642
PR5 8AR 23 22 53.720466 -2.64041
PR5 8AS 9 9 53.724868 -2.639601
PR5 8AT 22 18 53.721668 -2.637458
PR5 8AU 9 9 53.72122 -2.640925
PR5 8AW 1 1 53.718043 -2.651435
PR5 8AX 5 4 53.71969 -2.644766
PR5 8AY 6 5 53.717607 -2.646022
PR5 8BA 33 0 53.709735 -2.637311